Browsersync LIVE (alpha)

A new tool that combines all your favourite features from Browsersync with a host of new ones, such as:

  • Smaller, lighter, faster - less dependencies means a smaller footprint in your node_modules folder and because it's built as a native 🦀 binary it starts faster and consume much less memory.
  • Live configuration updates - tweak your local setup and have everything update without needing to stop/start any terminal sessions. This includes servers, files watchers, proxies, etc.
  • Powerful debugging tools - configure things like fake server delays, additional headers, and response modifications all on a per-route basis. This allows you to recreate hard-to-replicate bugs such as race conditions when assets load in at different times.
  • Website in a file - every wanted to quickly test out a new HTML, CSS or JS feature, but didn't want to create multiple files on disk to fully emulate a server? Browsersync LIVE allows you to specify multiple server routes in a single file, along with their response bodies. This can be used for prototyping, tests and even for demonstration purposes (since Markdown is supported)
  • Record proxy responses to disk - thanks to a brand-new implementation of the Browsersync Proxy, you can now hand off certain requests to a different backend (like an API server) and have any response bodies recorded (along with their original chunk sizes, latency time etc).
  • Playback recorded responses - when working with remote LLM's, local development can end up costing a lot of money in terms of API usage - not to mention the difficulty in reproducing bugs and flows encountered with the streaming responses. Browsersync LIVE can not only record responses, but it can play them back when you choose to. This way you can accurately reproduce scenarios locally without continuously calling the remote API. Coupled with the Live Configuration updates that are supported in all features, this enables a productive workflow where you initially let the requests through to a 3rd party, but then play them back once you've recorded enough.
  • Plus much more... - Join the discussion if you're interested GitHub discussion